Fighting in Ruins Wiki

History of Ripmin[]

Ripmin are a special kind of pikmin that existed long ago. The last of the ripmin died out sometime during the time that the colors started to emerge in the world as the dominate force in the world. They were hunted down to extinction by many groups. Keijo, a young scientist (not mad) at the time, started a research project on any signs of a pikmin that was older than the colors that he had to go with. It soon became clear to him that he would not find anything on his search until one day at the tip of a continent. He found remains of a pikmin. It was not until he brought it back to one of his many labs at the time that he realized it was not just any pikmin. It was the remains of a mutated pikmin. He quickly called the mutated form, Clawed Pikmin, for its claws. He later renamed the remains, ripmin. It was because of something else that he found, a pair of bones. He found out more about their history as he continued his search. He started Project Ios. The end goals of this project were to resurrect the ripmin and then study them to the fullest. He failed many times with the DNA that he collected but was never successful in creating one from scratch.

He was missing a few parts. He realized that within the body of a pikmin that there were certain inactive genes within the body of a pikmin. These genes were the leftover remains of the ripmin of old. A pikmin and a ripmin shared some of the same traits. Keijo took this new information and captured a live non-colored pikmin and introduce a strand of ripmin DNA into the pikmin's body. The pikmin resisted the changes but was soon changed into a female ripmin. This new ripmin's bite would set forth the revival of the entire species. The first pikmin bite would be turned into a male ripmin. Ripmin came back from extinction and almost all of the current ones worship Keijo as their creator. They have as far as called him, the phoenix god.

Ripmin Culture[]

Ripmin culture is based around a tribal community. Ripmin are therefore divided into groups. Those groups are given specific tasks based on which group that they are in. The four main categories of these groups are Lavinesiar, Kenda, Ios, and Ferin. All of these groups work together to sustain a way of life. The leader aka the tribe ruler is in charge of everything and is considered the alpha of the tribe, the strongest of the strong. The leader, however, might not be all that strong but has gained his position through very devious means. The ripmin leader can only be replaced if he was killed in a fight to the death by the challenger. The ripmin has to outright challenge the ripmin tribe leader for this to occur. These fights are brutal. The winner is the one who doesn't make the first mistake in the fight. There is also within each tribe at least one seer who is highly revered and the leader or anyone else comes to listen to what she has to say. The seer is and always will be a female ripmin.

Tribal Life[]

Life within the tribe is at most hectic with the females and males moving about doing their daily tasks to support the tribe. The tribe leaders rule the tribe and all food is brought to her/him first before it is distributed in similar portions from what is left after the leader takes her/his fill. The leader is usually not generous about what he leaves for the tribe. The other ripmin have a way around this though just to keep them healthy. The leader would still distract them from the point of having almost no food to go on by promising more food if they take over some territory. There are exceptions to this like the female ruler of the Swiftclaw tribe or Zaliss Scareye. Members of the tribe work together to make sure that the tribe will continue to prosper. Females get the better pick of the food (in most of the tribes). There are gatherers to bring in herbs, materials, and whatnot. Warriors are there ready at the very instant that the village is under attack. They are on the ready to be on the move for whatever the reason. Ripmin tribes don't generally stay in the same spot for very long and will move quite often. The Swiftclaw tribe alone moves about twenty times per year. It's because of this that most conflicts that happen between Ripmin are because of them invading the current occupied space of a different ripmin tribe. It's all freedom of choice except for what the leader decides on to be the law of the tribe. The chosen seer is open to everyone for questions or for their future to be told. The chosen (aka main) seer is regarded as exceptionally wise. It is the law of every tribe that if the chosen seer were insulted by a tribe member, an outsider, or someone from a different race was to be executed immediately. The same goes for hurting a chosen seer. The leader is exempt from this rule since he/she chooses the chosen seer.

Matriarchal Society[]

Females are the ones in the dominant positions. They hold the head spots of the tribe which is normal. The leader is usually female, the most useful of any of the groups are female, the most powerful are female, and the females get to choose their mates. The males don't usually have a say in the matter. Information is pending on this...

Life of Outsiders[]

Outsiders are ripmin that were either banished or decided to leave on their own accord. Banished ripmin are rare since any ripmin breaking any law of the tribe would be killed. The tribe members heed to the rules since the tribe leader has stated them. Outsiders if they were banished usually cannot survive on their own. They either die out there alone or they find another tribe to live with. The ripmin who leave the tribe do not survive (yet there are exceptions where ripmin not belonging to a tribe survive on their own).

Ripmin Groups[]


Trivia/Creator Notes[]

  • I came up with the idea about ripmin suddenly without knowing how I did so.
  • The name ripmin was formed on the fly. There was some thought to it but I came up with something.

It didn't really come about until Kirbyfreak wanted to know more about them because he wanted Nero to encounter one of these creatures (not really known at the time as ripmin).

  • I spent an entire time doing a plot with them involved. They were supposed to be only those few there but I quickly changed my mind. Tribes were created.
  • Keijo's continent was revealed before that.

It took a long time for me to think them through thoroughly.

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